02/18/06 Downtown Sat. night

Ok guys…
Plain and simple…

02/18/06 Downtown

where? I have no idea,…YOu choose…

Lets make This happen…whos down for some drinks…?

:beer2: :beer2: :beer2: :beer2: :beer2: :beer2: :beer2: :beer2: :beer2: :beer2:

im not committing to going yet, but id suggest liars as a meeting point seeing as a lot of people already go there as it is.

yea i’m in…liars sounds good to me

meet up @ liars head over to utopia my buddy is bartending saturday nite every1 can get hooked up all nite i gotta dbl check to make sure tho

who is your buddy?

Up Up UP…! :beer2: :beer2: :beer2: :beer2: :beer2:

haha kinda funny how alot of nyspeeders have made their way out to liars lately. ive been goin there for years. If i come out this weekend come grab me ill get you guys a drink my freind bartends

I only go there cause the people i know from northtown toyota go there…not a bad place though

I may make an appearance…no idea yet.

Good luck with the weather lol

Utpoia huh? Hmm…better get a babysitter for your kids…oh wait, nevermind, they’ll fit right in.

Weather shmeter. :smiley: Alcoholics can be very determined people :tup: :smiley:

eh i’m out on utopia, that place blows

Anyone else…?

Voelkers tonight…? anyone? im bored… :frowning:

i might be at voelkers, im the big wop, cant miss me

going to western door first tho, not sure how long you will be there.

who are you friends with?

I am also friends w/ a few of the bartenders, Its bad, very bad, I have never left that place sober.

I have been going to liars for for years, its like my home away from home

Dude…WHere were you…I was at voelkers last night…till like 2:30ish
then went to Lisa’s…
I’ll be there at around 10:30ish tonight and then heading Downtown around Midnight…


lol i was drunk as hell, free dinner and drinks at the steakhouse last night, so we stayed there then headed back to neighborhood, if ur interested we usually hang out at beer goggles on esser, right around the corner from where we live, usually fri nights or sat nights, u should stop in sometime.

cool…I’ll go check it out next friday…
I pretty much have everything planned out for tonight so… :slight_smile:
Tonight =
Voelkers - Liars - Bigshotz - HOMEsweetHOME lol…

i’ll be out tonight

prob be at liars…level…and who knows where else