02 stratus

hah yeah this is just a terrible idea, idk why you would want to build something like this.

Aww man, that shits got hood supports!?!?!?! I dont have those.

<— Jelly.

stratus getting all da winz


On a budget you may be able to get the exaust manifold, turbo, down pipe, intercooler, and plumbing, from a SRT-4 and bolt them to the stock 2.4L. You would want to run LOW boost tho. I doubt the NA 2.4L is built like the turbo 2.4L. Compression ratio is probably higher and the piston and rods made from a lighter, weaker material. This will probably take care of the stock clutch as well.
You will also need at least the ECM and fuel injectors from the turbo car as well the possibility of some sensors such as MAP, MAF, ect. Please just leave the exterior stock. Maybe some SRT wheels to give a hint to what may be under the hood.

As stated above. Honda’s are nothing to mess with in the 518. ask me how I know…

thats only when the transmission blows like they always do


Every Stratus I’ve seen is done right. Definitely a good class of owners in that scene.

this car sucks and the user name is retarted

Your comment following Maks comment made me :crackup

Brutal honesty ITT.

It’s funny I’ve recently heard a lurker talking to me about the site and saying how you guys are a fun bunch an def don’t hold back. But he stays out of it :rofl

I’m trying to be helpful. I like to see some thinking outside the box but I honestly wouldn’t build a Stratus if you gave the car and $4k cash on top. I would sell said stratus and buy a real car with $7k. Some people are too attached to their cars for their own good.

yah it takes a special group of us to build up V6 camaros and shit LOLLL

We all came from somewhere. I started with turd gens then GTPs and 4th gens. Had a nice 12k mile 2 gen left to me as well.

You’re right Johawk people seem to love and build what they’ve got, without going through the trouble of selling their DD and finding a better platform as it’s easier on paper (or forum) than in RL.

But smart thing to do is keep it as DD and get a project to mess with that will allow you to have downtime.

But space becomes an issue for many.

my problem was I bought my V6 camaro from a dealer when I was 17. I took on the payments and insurance myself. Only thing the parents did, was co-sign…

however since they co-signed, my mom had a “say” in what I did with the car, and if I wanted to get rid of it.

when I turned 18, I wanted a V8 Camaro. My parents said absolutely not (prolly saved my life honestly) so I decided to make my V6 camaro, faster. That led to the whole turbo fabrication etc.

I think the Hondas had pizza for lunch, he hasnt checked in.

guys, this person is obviously kidding and just being an ass lol.

Its Travis

Call my cell phone on Moday and we’ll discuss your plans. We can make anything faster then it is in its stock form. Plus you have a unique platform to work with. This truely makes this build of the differnet kind.



Some day you’ll learn. I used to think you could make anything fast with some ‘aftermarket parts’. The reality is you can’t. Keep shop-vac’n and polishing up the stratus. Then be sure to put it on Craigslist and start looking for something with potential.