built crx turbo

posting for a friend, heres the link… you wont be disappointed lol


$8500 obo for this rocket ship

Is this Dom’s old one?


tell dino ill give him 7k

you dont have his number anymore lol

Kinda want this, not giving him more than he paid for it though. Looking for any trades?

red, to be fair dyno put a bunch of money in this. He caged it, put a bigger turbo on and a twin disk clutch… plus some other stuff

he did put those parts in and its 8500 obo i know he will go lower than that. it has a new tune on it from synapse too since the new parts installed. well worth it

trades possible depending on what it is

7k cash

is this sold ?


Who got it, Love4Boners? Throw up the ebay link BRO.

you mad bro?

Did you throw some sweet matching striped rims on it before you sold it? Bet when the boost kicked in your blowout got three times cooler. I feel bad this car is now a whore, I wanted to save it. I was serious about the 6k offer, which I hear is what you got it for.

Bro, your a looser… You dont have 6k nor did you at any point in time which is why no1 took you serious, a 6k offer from me and he KNEW the car was sold… Keep rocking your fart canned up civic… I didnt touch the car and still made $1,500 on it.

and i like matching wheel lips, but you like putting catbacks and fake carbon fiber trunks on stock sohc civics… WOW lolol

Fuck you. You talk sooooo much shit. Anyone that really knows me, knows I am far better off than yourself. I have two fart canned Civics by the way.

dude, are you fucking serious? Seriously, are you legit fucking retarded? lololol

IIII recall you coming onto THIS thread and talking shit to me bc I bought and sold a car? I have no fucking clue who you are and have never said a word to you, but I talk soo much shit??? Dude, you seriously are a bird lol… Your god damned right when some little faggot comes on here talking shit to me for no god damned reason your going to get it back…

And for the record Dave told me straight up everyone that offered him $6k he didnt take seriously bc he knows your all talk, I know Dave and Dave knows I was serious which is why you DIDNT get the car for $6k and I DID… make sense?

I meant you talk so much shit in general. I dont like the way you operate, and thats my problem with you. Youre a child and act as such. Thats it, I said my piece.