built crx turbo

You tell me where the fuck I START the shit I talk… if im fucked up in the head, I NEED to know how and why so I can fix it… You show me where I, out of no where, for no apparent reason talked shit to or about someone… As for the way I operate, whats wrong with it? Im not a scumbag, im not a thief, im sketchy because I buy and sell used goods? I found an iphone 4s at the gym this morning… I handed it to the front desk knowing I can get $300+ WITH a bad esn number for it… The original owner Dom and now Dino both were trying to sell that CRX for quite some time… I sold it in 3 days for a $1,500 profit… Don’t hate because im successful at what I do, THATS childisih.

BTW, let me tell you what a REAL child does… A REAL faggot coward child such as yourself makes up a new user name with 0 posts and tries to neg me so I wouldnt think it was him and neg his account in which he so values little green fucking squares like an idiot… :wink:


Nope. Just a new lurker that knew the car.


please expose this lying peice of shit kid please.


good read

Will get better I think.


Originally Posted by love4boost
yo, can you tell if the user name GotBewbs? is on the same ip address as another member?

Appears to have a link with ReDevil.

lmaooo, what a lying little bitch… But IIMMM a child lolol

I’m not ReDevil. U mad bro?

dude, vlad caught you… please, just shut the fuck up.

Why? If I don’t, are you gonna chase me down the road with a shotgun?

it is very likely.


If they used the same proxy at some point it would show that. jussayin.

why would “his friend” make an account within 10 minutes of me calling him out after his shit talking? i hiiighhlyy doubt it… hes a little bitch and cares so much about green little squares that he went through the trouble of making an account and negging me on it. The act of a true bird.

It’s okay, I negged him for being a crybaby. That’s the first time I’ve ever negged anyone actually


Honestly, they’re both crying. Yes, ReDevil came in here and started shit and I know I made it worse by instantly neg repping love4boost as soon as I made my account. So I know I dug myself a hole already, but what can anyone do about it? If we were all adults, ReDevil wouldn’t have said anything and even if he did, we would have just let him be mad about losing out on the crx and we would have moved on. But this forum has such a loose butt hole that everyone gets pissy over something. And it’s usually something stupid. This thread is supposed to be dead anyway since the car is sold, so I’m done in here.