built crx turbo

saws the guy who created a new account to neg rep someone

Good read.

Doesn’t mean its the same person.

I think you need to dig some sand out of your vagina


then prove your identity.

There are rules here. First post should be in the intro thread section. Who here knows you that can and WILL vouch for you?

So you know this place is full of loose buttholes, buuuut you just signed up and it took a day to come to that conclusion that warranted you to post already?

I could care less who this is, yet from the evidence here its rather apparant, or a giant coiencidence… nore do I give 2 shits about the situation between Red and Love4. I am just playing my role i guess :slight_smile:

Maybe i should sell my crx

its fucking red, everyone knows its red… He knows its extremely embaressing JUST to sign up to neg someone so he wont get negged back in return because hes such a little faggot… Dude makes fun of me bc I like to match my wheel lips to the body color of my car, but hes driving a STOCK SOHC civic with a fart can and FAKE black trunk to make it look like carbon fiber… WAAYY cooler bro… And im not going to get into the low blows about HOW you came across your money, because thats just not me, but id rather be in my current situation then yours ANY day… so keep talking shit bud.


yea loose buttholes are lame. gotta keep a tight butthole

Is crx still available? Very interested.

Sbardy you’re killin me lololol

Lol on a serious note… Who the fuck spends 7500 on a crx… Walk into a bank to get a loan… The loan officer bitch slaps you for being so retarded… You go home and your parents see you crying so they end up letting you borrow the cash.

Big money for big turbs must be a Jeep thang

Did I mention I’m very interested, if it’s still available.

10 second car for 7k is pretty hard to come by… I knew i could make money on it at 6k and did. Took all of 3 days lol

Wasn’t knocking the making money part at all. Fuck I would’ve done the same thing. Cant believe how much some of them go for on eBay.

holy fuck what happened in here. Reds a good kid, he just loves his Hondas and I’m sure posted before his brain turned on. Yall relax.


why dig it out when you can pound it in somebodies asshole
