Its cool guys. I cried, jerked off in the corner with my tears, then mowed the lawn. Feels good.
Not that anyone cares, but this was the second time I missed out on buying this car, so I was pretty pissed.
Its cool guys. I cried, jerked off in the corner with my tears, then mowed the lawn. Feels good.
Not that anyone cares, but this was the second time I missed out on buying this car, so I was pretty pissed.
I’ll mow your fucking lawn.
the kid dom had for sale for like…a year… and dino had it for sale for months… wtf were you doing inbetween both? hibernating?
Nah fixing the Underboost pile… motor popped after 21 miles.
ill buy it, gendrick.
What car is this???
I bought Underboosted’s turbo hatch like 2 weeks after Dom (Dbiker) sold this Crx the first time. Lsvtec spun a bearing, ate the piston and cylinder wall of #3 pretty bad. So dumped that, and put a bone stock Gsr B18C1 in it. Waiting on an axle, then its good to go again.
Damn that’s rough, sorry to hear man.
Fuck you, fucking piece of worthless shit.
no offense to frank, but dont you think you got raped at $6,000 for a car that doesnt have a motor apposed to buying an already built/running car in the 10’s for the same exact price? What the hell were you thinking?
love4boost, where did the kid you sold it to live? just curious
+1. no offense to frank, i like the guy. But man you really got your ass raped on that whole deal. shitty.
yeah but who would have known it would let go like that? Thats just shit luck, not rape.
Why do people say that Frank raped Red?
Frank had a car for sale, no one had to buy. Red was the one who agreed to pay that price. Red raped himself, if anything.
this is why i think honda owners are gay.
I try to put myself in the seller’s shoes. If I sold someone a car and it blew up in 21 miles and i didnt fix it for them or take it back with a full refund, then i would feel like i was raping them.
But i know not everyone feels the same way i do when it comes to selling things, so its all a matter of opinion. and in my opinion it was butt rape.
If Frank etched “hahafuckthisguy” in the cylinder walls then yeah I could see that. lol
Its a mechanical object, you cant win them all I guess. Its a slippery slope I guess, but I am sure (actually I know from talking to red about 4 weeks ago about this actually) that they both understand what happned happened and dont have bad blood, but Ill let them speak for themselves.
Thats the thing about buying anything from anyone without dealer insurance or something like that. You are taking a HUGE risk buying anything, especially something far far far from stock… no matter if CRC, Synapse, JoeLocalRapeShop or Jim Leahey off craigslist built it. You have to assume the risk and put faith in the seller’s ability I guess. But again it all boils down to “shit happens” sometimes.
not fighting you, I understand totally your opinion. :hug