built crx turbo

So the fact that he offered to pay to fix the civic and Im sure it got the balls beat off it in the 21 miles doesnt matter?

On a side note, Sense when has it become the sellers responisability to even offer a warranty on the used goods they sell. Or why is it assumed by the buyer that the item is not “sold as is” and the seller should make good on something thats been sold to them. Sure its always a plus if the seller works with you so you dont feel so bad. But why is it assumed they must do so? last time I checked most used goods are “sold as is”. Shit happens shit happens. It’s all a gamble when you cant see everything. I’v been dicked before and screwed in the end. But what its come down to is not everything is out in the open and know to all. It’s the sellers choice to work with you, not his duty.

Ok lets get a couple things straight. Yes the motor spun a bearing.I sold the car for less as a whole than I could have made if I parted it out. He bought the car running and I delivered it to his house for free. He texted me almost a month later asking if the tach worked right and what the limiter was set at.I called him to find out what was going on and he told me “me and my buddy were beating the fuck out of it and now it’s making a tapping noise”. I said let me know what you find. He then took the motor apart and found a bad bearing.He then texted me again stating that we wants me to give him the money back for the car. I said i would help pay for repairs to fix it. He then said he wanted me to buy him a new motor. I said I had 800 dollars I could give him to cover machine work costs to repair the motor that was in the car. He said ok, I said I would have the money for him tomorrow. I didn’t hear from him for almost a month after that when I got another text asking if he could come pick up the money from me.I did not have 800 dollars at that time so I ended up giving him a 1/5th scale two stroke buggy and cash which he agreed on.The car had fresh paint which saw the road once which would have cost more than half the price he paid for the car.And the one thing I asked was not to post a whole bunch of drama on the internet and he said “yea I’m not like that.”


  • rep when I can.

This exactly. I have no problem, and the fact you gave me anything was more than you had to do. Car is fixed now, just waiting on an axle.

I have an axle at my house if you need it.

naahh, i didnt mean frank raped him at ALLLL, I just said no offense to make it noted that I DIDNT mean frank raped him… YES, i agree, red raped himself.

i thought he bought the car already needing a new motor, my bad… And I wouldnt have given him a dime, hes the stupid fuck that didnt break it in.

Lmao this thread is retarded, first off I don’t think red should have really said anything about missing out on the car for the second time ( maybe sulk privately lol ) if I had the balls I would have done the same thing Dave did sold the car for a profit with no work into it that’s just a great buisness plan. I just didn’t see a void in the market for that type of car to sell that quickly as others have said someone paid 7500 for a 91 crx wtf is wrong with them lol

I look at it as once the car leaves the hands of the person who built it then it is no longer a virgin car and is now suspecting whored out lol I’m sure red was just frustrated and venting but at this point who cares the car is gone and I’m
Sure there will be more.

I have terrible punctuation on my cell phone lol

man i hate to think about it but its kinda true… :*( lol

Yeah a 91 Crx for 7500?! Thats fucking retarded.

Anyone want a 93 Civic for 8000? :rofl

that crx was slow anyway, good thing ya dumped it off quick dave

when did a 10 sec car become “slow”