02 tokyo auto salon parking lot:::



one thing comes to mind…transformers

:eek4dance My eyes My eyes I am bliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind :ugh: :eek4dance

im moving to japan just so i can run 8’ pipes out the side of my car

this kinda shit confuses me


the rear is a half pipe

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

Why do most these cars look like they are used as pooper scoopers…cause if they are I am getting one since I have 2 dogs

i like this


exactly what i thought

i thought we had ricers in the states…jeezzz

they start the trend and we follow. We will see this shit in a few years. :bash:

som shit looks chopped


sorry bro…but i kinda like it

if it was done completely different it would be cool, maybe

different strokes bro

That’s actually 70s style in japan, kids just didn’t have the internet back then to copy it.

well you see… the front is the way it is, so that once you put a tv in the windshield, you can play dance revolution on it! :eek4:

i swear some of those are photochoped or something, some of the wheels look really fake, or maybe its the rain.