03/04 cobra vs 02 zo6

Hands down Cobra

Vette fo shO :pimp:


dad retired from ford(32years) so I am a ford fan at heart. I vote cobra, nothing like the whine of a KB or ported and polished stock SC

The Z06 has a bigger Pussy Magnet.



I went Z06 just for the fact that it’s a better car all over.

*In NA form the Vette still out performs the blown Cobra.
*Handling? No brainer there…
*Cobra is a fat pig.

I dunno, Vette’s just feel like more of a drivers car. Sit in one and you’ll understand. Drive one and you’ll really understand.

How about C5 Z06 vs. C6?

Nah. I got an 03 cobra but have really been eyeing up the zo6s for some reason lately.

Z06, because the interior is not miserable.

C5 interior is pretty misreable.


true, but next to a mustang it’s a work of art.

now the C6 does have a nice interior… I’d probably go for a base C6 over a C5zo6 at this point

that is what I was asking in my post…

Ah the great homosexual interior styling debate for performance cars…

You guys going to debate which shifter feels better in your ass next?

you guys think the cobra weighs over 4000 lbs or something, IT DOESNT

Both are pimp as hell. flip a coin and sign the papers


When you buy a vette, do they throw in Rogaine and a free hip replacement for your mid life crisis?

You drive a VW :lol: :lol: :lol:

I like blower whine personally.