03/08/08 - Snowboarding @ HV or KB


Holiday was OK on sunday, I was restricted to Schoolhaus though, teaching my GF to board; or attempting too.

Was fun until she did the splits getting off the lift, causing a pulled groin; then bitting it pretty hard going down and spraining her knee… needless to say that was the end of it for me.

I’m going back down this evening though to ride the rest of the place.

Damn, wish I had the time to go, Ive gone once this year :picard:

how to break up with your girlfriend = take her snowboarding for the first time! haha

woods trails to the left while going down MorningStar at Holiday Valley has some good runs, you just gotta be creative, theres a few jumps that shoot you high up right out of the woods.

Last night was decent pretty granular, and a little icy in spots; by the end of the night most of the slopes were beat hard-core.

I took a couple hard hits, so I’m sore as hell today…

i’m thinking about going to KB tonight.

goin up with 87conquesttsi to holiday tonight.

I MIGHT go again tomorrow night; all depends on how I feel tonight, I’m feeling pretty beat-up at the moment.

anyone for holiday valley this sunday the 16th?

are you any good?

Night skiing ends this saturday people.

i don’t like to brag.

ive gone 20 times so far this year and its my first year snowboarding, id say i push myself pretty hard to get better every time.

Anyone go today? What are the conditions like?

No clue…

I’m done for the Season…

Went to the Doc today to get my knee checked out (having issues for a LONG time); and I’ve got to have surgery; 99% chance that my the Plica in my knee has too much scar-tissue; 80% chance of a Torn Meniscus ; and 80% chance of a Torn ACL. I go for a MRI in 2 weeks to find out how bad the damage is, and how much surgery I really do need.