03/24/07 Meet photo's.

mine is the 09 minivan version. lol

Yes yes my friend. They were. You missed it.
If the government ever knew that a complete R33 or R34 were on Canadian Soil right now they’d have the bounties out here in notime but yes, they were here in metal, oil and leaded gasoline :wink:

RABBIT why are you lying???

How could you miss it Rabbit? The '08 was a few cars down to the left.

^i remembered your face when the chinese lady was backing up!!! PRICELESS!!!

aight post whoring time



oh god why…lol…i look like a retard in that picture

u? look at me i have half a face

honestly…i look like an effin retard lol …wat was i staring at lol

nah u don’t look like a retard , u look … well u probably know what im going to say.


lol… u were lookin at rabbit… and rabbit u took that pic of ur self lmao.

i did? wtf

gaahhhh my god im wondering if that was wen i was mad…i was smiling…so i cant remember lol

hey hey whos steering wheel is that?


you were probably just day dreaming about my sexy behind. and as much as you’d like to dismiss it, you know it’s true :stuck_out_tongue:

lmao…i have that EXACT same chair at home…costco ftw!!!

iiii saawww ur 350’s bumm the other day^ lol

haha Costco ftw!

deal with that.

yessurb hopefully this week

very nice pics sorry i issed it… ill be posting a meet soon… cheers,