04/22/2007 ECC-N WNY Event 1 Thread

I don’t recall the conversation, but i’ve had the trunk sitting in my house since last october and didn’t feel like putting it on then since it was going into storage shortly.

CH’s are just the track rims.

Just whatever class you’d be in if you were runnig R’s.

I’m co-driving some elses car and can’t remember what he’s classed as. I could look it up/call him… but that’s way too involved for my energy level at this point in time.

^^ if you’re driving Anatoly’s MR2, he’s registered in CS.
whose miata??

sweet deal!

Apparently he has one. He said if the weather wasn’t nice he’d be driving “the Miata.”

BTW, can I get a ride out there with you, or will the seat be full of tires? I can get a ride with Anatoly if not.


Dozr might just make an appearance in G-Stock… :slight_smile:

I’m most likely heading out to Buffalo on Saturday but I won’t know for sure until later in the week. Or check with Brad, I’m pretty sure he’s coming and he lives kinda near you :slight_smile:

ill be thurrr 187sm

Can’t wait to embarASS mysself Sunday.


you’re running the MR2? ib4spinout.


Yeah, the MR2.

I am going to do my best to figure this things handling out.

when the tall goony guy one the sidelines starts LOLing if you spin out…smile and wave to me. hope it doesn’t rain for you.

^ it’s real simple. Get your speed right before you turn. Turn + Lifting throttle in an MR = spin.

The best way to take a slalom is steady throttle. Brake when the car is straight, then turn. Really, it’s the same for most cars, it’s just that MR’s make you pay a lot more when you brake or lift at the wrong time.

I miss my Fiero. :frowning:

Yeah, I learned about the powerful oversteer last year in the one event I did.

I was coming from an understeering AWD pig, so I was used to HAVING to lift throttle into turns to rotate the rear a bit and then power out.

I’m sure I’ll get it figured out, it’s just going to take some time and I’ll likely be last in SM times. But I’ll be smiling for sure.

Is anyone else in G-Stock?

yeah, a couple of people :wink:

i wish i had a car that wouldnt break when id autox it… and the del sol is pretty much sold now… :frowning:

I might be battling you for last place in SM this year…This will be my first time in the SRT-4 really pushing it. It turns like a school bus so this event might be the test wether or not it should just be a track car.

2 things:

  • you can use the throttle lift oversteer to your advantage once you get over being scared of it and are smooth with your steering imputs. I used this many many many times, especially if in the turn-arounds at ECCN. A quick lift to float the rear end could easily save 20 ft of plowing
  • and on the slalom comment, I’ve been yelling at Wolff for the past 2 weeks for thinking the same thing. I garuntee you are lossing a lot of time with that aproach. i think it all comes from always hearing people talk about being smooth, so people take that too far. Anyways, the reason this is bad is, none of us are so incredibly awesome that we know exactly what the maximum maintainable speed is in a slalom. So if you’re maintain a steady speed through a slalom, how do you know how close or far you are from the breaking point. You always want to use every opertunity to be on the gas excelerating, not maintain constant speed, and you don’t back off till the front tires start to get overworked and thus stop working.