6/25 ECCN Autox

After a few weeks off, we return Sunday for round 4 of the WNY Solo Championship Series. I am really looking forward to this. I have my engine management all hooked up (even if it isn’t totally tuned right yet, I am hoping it will be by then).

I thought I should start the thread early, since Andy was there yesterday wondering where everyone else was…

So, any new faces going to show up?


ILL BE THERE…have a wedding saturday so its gonna be a rough morning but ill be there

I’ll most likely be there as usual. Gotta flush my coolant which is now has a much higher water percentage after the track day, and slap on some new front pads.

gotta flush the brake fluid again

Oh yeah, that too.

Super Blue is going in this time :slight_smile:

Im most likely gonna be there, i have missed the last few :tdown: to me.

I have faimly obligations… IT sucks… I may not be able to auto-x until the july 30th one. :frowning:

I’ll be there! I hope my new tires get here before the event. Yay no more all seasons soon! :smiley:

hah and im excited to finally wear my new helmet. lol

With any luck I might be out with the eyesore. :tup:

I don’t know if I can handle another rain event…

awww freak my gf will be in town… that’s ok, my car has no tranny lol

I’ll be missing another one, got somethign else going on. I’m really itching to get out again, was planning on RIT last weekend but broke a wheel stud the night before.

i will be in town the weekend after that through the 10th… anything going on then/ anyone want to let me co-drive?

Who took a few weeks off? :gotme:

I hope it doesn’t rain. It would be nice if my father could actually run more than two events this season. (He can’t fit in the car with the top up, therefore when it rains, he stays home)

I may not make it on Sunday now, so just a heads up since I’m a regular Safety Steward.

i got my new tires so im set! heh im excited i’ve been starting to get the joanzes lol



New bearing should be in by tonight, main seal to come tomarrow. Then praying I don’t get pulled over on the way there. :lol: