WNY SCCA Solo Event 8 - ECCN - 9/2/07

Should be a good time. There are a handful of people that need the last couple events to qualify for points (6 events needed to qualify, best 8 events count).

Just a reminder, if you are planning on coming, or the possibility even remotely exists, pre-register at http://wny-scca.com/soloreg/

I’ll probably be out to watch. :frowning: Maybe I’ll show up with a paper “9 SUV” on the side of my truck just to be an ass. :tup:

in w/ foodz, I should have drove more events this year…

I’m registered but not sure if I’m going. Depends on how the weekend comes together and what the plans are for Sat and Mon.

Im in, been a long time plus i want to try out the new tires.

there w/ the superbeater.

Wish I could be there, but I’ll still be on the train coming back from Montana :frowning: By the time I get back, I’m worried I wont remember how to autox at all.

Marnie, show the boys how to do it!

Hit cones?

Someones gotta do it…other than Jim…

Last I heard you two are tied?

yes… still!
I think the last event will be the tiebreaker.


ive never been. i kinda wanna go.

Dew it! It’s a ton of fun, and everyone’s more than willing to show n00bs the ropes.

totally! we can have a great time!

ok i registered.

what time should i get there.


7:45 - arrive and take spare tire and other loose items out of car
8:00 - walk the course (grab someone that looks like they know what they are doing)
8:30 - pay registration
8:45 - walk the course
9:30 - tech the car
9:45 - walk the course
10:00 - do the novice walk through
10:30 - drivers meeting

ty jeremy


registration should be open at 8:30, so be there by then and you should have plenty of time. And just grab anyone and ask them questions - we are all there to help.

I’m supposed to be in pittsburg this weekend but I may skip the trip and race instead