New car (big powwaaa Evo)

how is it too much? its all in the VE, its ported head, big intake mani, why wouldn’t you run that much power if it will do it safley…

exactly look at the 3 buschur white amigos, 550 on pump, 554 on pump and 575 omn straight pump gas, all 140 cars on pump gas tuned by Buschur racing…
if David didn’t think it was safe then i’m sure he wouldn’t be doing that. i’d take his word over ANYBODY’s on here, call me a swinger, sweet. whaever, do what works and what proven to work.

exactly, almost stupid to not run e85 since its so plentiful around here.

nope, the double pumper will provide enough fuel to go 160
-165 in the quater, proven by once again, Buschur Racing :slight_smile: