05 Subaru STI

ok thanks didn’t know you where out of country


ah, well then I guess you owe someone and apology.


This is an absolutely incredible thread. Superloudsti, your grammer is unreal. The fact that you have decided to part this car out in less than a week is for a lack of better terms, retarded. You could have easily traded straight up for the MR Evo and done a five speed swap since it seems like you have an unlimited amount of money to piss away. Might I suggest either getting your GED or attending some kind of college English class so you can construct a fucking coherent sentence and maybe put that money to some actual use. Oh ya, to get back on topic…

GLWS, moron

I am laughing at you jack ass. I don’t even know you, but this thread makes you look like a fuckin joke.

Someone should lock it up and delete it for christ’s sake.

I’m selling stuff here why do you care? lol

i already told you this in a pm, but ill say it again
6 speed is slightly more weak then the 5 speed, but if you are planning on building the motor and making some serious jam on it, whether it be a 5 speed or 6 speed it would need to get the tranny built anyways
send in the 6 speed, and they can send you back a 5 speed that is fully built
buschur, shep, and tre will all do this for you


So you are trying to say trade straight up for my sti?

$10k, $13k, both are listed, do you even know what you are selling?

trade yes, straight… no

hmmmm, I could swap my cobra motor in this and do 4 wheel burnouts.

bump 24k for the car

Trade for a 94 Integra GS-R plus 5k on your end?


I love the price changes…


ROFLMAO, this may have me laughing harder than paided or Seden!
