09-10 Steelers Thread

Please dont get the wheels moving on that one. Next thing you know they’ll have a penalty on accidentally hitting a official. I love football but holy hell some of the penalties you can get for hitting someone (when its part of the game) is ridiculous. If you give me x Million dollars, ill let Harrison punch me in the face for all I care.

Correction. Jeff Reed. WTF kinda effort at tackling someone was that?

he didnt have his beer muscles on… maybe if they were wearing minneapolis PD uniforms.

It was a good game non the less ! BUt there are alot better teams out there this year ! dam NE & NO are serious

u’ve been in baltimore too long… we played like garbage and found a way to still beat an undefeated team…better, yes… a lot better… hell no!

gota stomp the bungals

another piss poor loss to the bengals… we def need to sweep baltimore, steelers-bengals in the playoffs?

Steelers to sign Palko to practice squad tomorrow!

they should take that #3 away from that faggot reed!

It sould be sweet if he can make the squad…I would rock the Palko Steeler jersey before a Big Ben jersey.


Bet Byron Leftwitch wished he didn’t leave!

truth! palko also made pac man his bitch…

That kid is a crazy good athlete and has more heart that 99% of anyone in the NFL. I guess his big knock is in the big games he may try to do too much.

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zssQB78uzmI&feature=related”]YouTube- Tyler Palko Hurdles Pac Man Jones[/ame]

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwkQ_i6eetE”]YouTube- Palko trucks BC defender[/ame]

those are the two clips that i watch atleast once a week… he’s got farve’s drive no doubt… but thats what you’d expect from a kid from southwestern PA.

those are great clips… I wouldn’t mind seeing him getting a shot in the NFL again one day. a friend of mine that went to Pitt told me he always had trouble with the playbook though. Not sure if their is any truth behind it but something that would definitely cause issues in the NFL.

it wouldnt surpize me for someone that was such a great athlete at a young age to have trouble with a playbook… they only had to rely on ability all their life. but at the same time tyler was a coaches son, he’s had his nose in playbooks since day 1… and he learned under walt harris… walt wasnt a great head coach but he was a QB guru…

i would have to Bust this myth… if you said the same about rutherford i would believe you, not because he’s black and presumed dumb but because he didnt have the same football structure that tyler had growing up… tyler was successful at pitt considering he didnt have near the team rutherford had… tyler was throwing to the likes of joe delsardo as a 2nd reciever…come on… lol with that said rod rutherford is still my fav Panther all time. palko is def up there too.

joe delsardo i went to school with that kid. What ever hapen to him ? he was good as hell

good in high school AA…not very good in division 1 college…

Steelers suck, and so does the new coach. Maybe we can pull it together next year after some work in the “lab”. /end

The pens WON ! :slight_smile:

what do you expect from an average team with a few good players? once good players are out of game you are left with average players. every game this year they won they squeeked by, yes a win is a win but a good team has enough dept that when someone gets hurts they can easily fill the spot with equal quality. Steelers have a few OVERLY paid players that should make less for what they do, put that extra money towards good overall players and have a much more stable team