09-10 Steelers Thread

tomilin’s biggest failure this year was taking it easy on them in camp… overall his biggest downfall was drafting mendenhall.

quik, arent most teams average players with a few superstars? lol its the NFL…they were all the best of the best…it comes down to execution… and the steelers were executed 5 weeks ago… lol

it was painful to watch that game yesterday…how many times was ben sacked?

8 times.

and wasnt 3 or 4 of them right in a row?

another humiliating loss, we’ve lost to the worst teams in the nfl. a damn shame.

Pens won.

Now all the bandwagon fans are going to jump to the Pens now that the steelers season is all but over.

thats gonna be a large bandwagon too… they dont even have pitt hoops to jump on this year.

I guess we could follow Pitt football but they have fallen from grace now that they actually played some one…and their season is basically over. and a bowl game before new years… Ouch!

lost by a fucken point to an undefeated team…nothing to shake a stick at… shut the fuck up you penn state pussy faggot. go wipe ur coaches ass cause he just shit himself again.


The funny thing is this faggot actually said he likes Pitt…but any chance he gets he talks shit. Yeah this season was a little bit of a letdown, but overall I thought the team played great. I would still put my $ on Pitt if they would play PSU this season…PSU would have lost by 20+ points if they would’ve played Cincy…and PSU didn’t beat anyone this year either.

As for the Steelers it is a joke what they have become this season. Now I get to be annoyed by all the Yinzer fans who try to act like they like hockey…kill me now.

they suck plain and simple. the defense blows they have one player that has to do it all. the egos of being superbowl stars is what was their downfall this year. when your kicker has more points then your offense does in a season something is seriously wrong and should be addressed asap not near end of season

Pitt almost reached the 10-2 i set for them in my College football 2009 thread. they were in every game till the final play… to me thats an improvment that will get overlooked because of the record. on paper the NCST looks horrible but early in the season on the road in the rain…hey…it happens. WVU loss…again on the road against ur rival and u lose on a last sec FG…and the cicny game blowing a big lead was a disappointment but it was against an undefeated team in lousy weather with one sided officiating…

oh well theres always next year…

now you sound like a cubs fan…lol they’ve been sayin that since like 1904.

next year will only be good if they cut some of the over hyped players wages and use that money towards a solid team. get rid of the prone injury players, get rid of the drunks that create attention and get players that can actually hold onto the ball

or pirates!

the pirates will never do anything with the nuttings in charge and signing checks