09-10 Steelers Thread

Omg !!! Omg!!! Omg !!! Thank You Wallace!!!

what a catch!!!


What the hell was Tomlin thinking on that onside kick. I mean if Ike would have waited an extra yard to grab the ball, it would have been a great play, but either way it was the worst call I have seen in recent memory. We won the game and everything, but that could have cost us the game. Despite the win, I am quickly losing confidence in our defense, playcalling and coaching.

Steelers fans thank you for your support…:blah:

Hell of a game, what a catch Wallace. Yeah, that onside kick was close call but the clock may have run out before Wallace could have made that catch if the Steelers went for a regular kick. Clock management worked in our favor in that case. Still a nail biter for sure.

the onside kick can be looked at both way…no faith in ur defense or total faith in ur defense… in either case it was fucking terrible call. if ur so worried about a fuckin run back just kick the ball outta bounds or get a God Damn kicker that can kick the ball out the endzone or get some guys that can fuckin tackle… the poouch kick is a fucking garbage play when trying to protect a slim lead and almost always fucks u in the ass.

the only thing i was thinking that could have remotely been goin through his head on the onside kick was that “if we get it back…good” " if we dont get it back WHEN Greenbay scores we will have enough time to come back and score"

Got 4 Tickets and a Parking Pass for Sunday in 518. I have to work, Anybody interested PM me

GO STEELERS… PATS, COLTS, DOLPHINS, AND EAGLES!!! Help us make the playoffs!!! :steelers::steelers::steelers:

still a chance, still a chance…

Sweet Jesus I may have a heart attck if this keeps up

Jets and Houston have to lose and the Steelers have to win. Wouldn’t mind seeing the Bronco’s lose again.

The only problem we might have is that the Patriots play the Texans and the Bengals play the Jets. Both teams have already won their divisions, so they may not give a fuck about these games. Not to mention I think they would rather see the Jets and Texans later in the playoffs than the Steelers. Especially since we’ve finally started to play a little bit. If they know them winning may put us in the playoffs they may sit their starters and not even try. :dunno:

every FB status was about the colts resting starters…how bout the steelers shouldnt have lost to shitty teams!!! if they dont make the playoffs they didnt deserve it.

How about that Tyler Thigpen…who’d a thunk he’d have started completing passes…

well said ! and it doesnt look good for the steelers.I dont even care what happens they played like shit the 2nd half just like they did all year.

i bleed black and gold, and we just flat out did not deserve it this year, we played like shit for most of the season, and we deserve to not make the playoffs, hopefully with our higher draft pick we can get someone decent on special teams. Sooooooooo… who do we root for in the playoffs and the bowl?


Yeah, special teams are what we need to worry about. Not our horrific secondary.


was anyone else down here for the game?? Looked like a damn homegame

hear offensive coordinator bruce ariens just got fired