09 zx6r?

yes i think i will enjoy the bike…it wierd bc my last three bike where honda and suzuki…but my first two were kawasaki so hopefully i will stick with kaw again for awhile

yeah i love the headlights back way more than the older 07-08 and 05-06 models but love the 07-08 front end the best. But after you sit on the 08 and 09 the 09 feels so much lighter almost like going from a old zx7r and getting on a r6. So im interested to see how it does in the turns

What dealer got you out the door so cheap? I sold my bike last year and thinking about buying new in a couple months.

thats an incredible deal. sweet.

07-08 ftl. it is comfortable but still very wide. also the previous motors were weak when they went away from the 636. it sounds like kawi got it all together for a complete package finally with this 09. interested to hear a review when you get some time on it.

xtreme kaw in washington county…they are in the business to sell bikes period not watch them sit on the showroom floor and wait for a idiot come in and pay 2k more than bike is worth

im picking it up tm so i will let you know what i think


i think i may have heard that from about 20 salesman in my life. one day you will stop believing what they say. oh yeah atleast you got a deal though.

ya ill 2nd that. i thought i was gonna be riding home with a new R6 for under 10 but that sure as hell didnt happen. def good deal you got but unfortunately that line you just recited doesnt always hold tru, Volvo. lol

haha well they are really just that…they wholesale all there bikes…i watched 4 bikes go out the door while i was waiting to talk to my salesman…his name is gator if anyone wants to go talk to them…I also got the 4 year warranty at cost and 30-40 percent off anything the could order. But this bike is extremly limited, some dealers didnt even get one. but price shop if you ant then call xtreme they will bea anyones price by thousands. Mosites in north hunt act called them bc they thought i was lying about the price trying to get them down. I went by there on sat and they sold the one i looked at for 12k so i think they may have one morespecial edition left then thats it but you want a bike call them…pics up soon

sweet. if i was in the market id def be headin out there. lookin forward to the pics. enjoy the bike. maybe we can meet up to ride over the summer.

hell yeah just let me know…i rode about 30 miles today and its still way too cold without wearing leathers which i have but dont match this bike…i should have my new stuff by thursday

im game for riding and annoying anyone that hates loud bikes… hopefully i wont beable to ride too much longer. :slight_smile: and i can sell this beast

ya ive been wanting to try and ride with some of the pittspeed crew. im down, so ppl hit me up.

im down to ride whenever

here is some pics i have bike apart right now i will have more tm

my new helmet


sitting at the dealer


x2. Nice bike. Count me in for a ride sometime.

thanks guys…yeah im down whenever…hopefully my new parts will be here soon so i can put the bike back together

someone might be comin to loook at mine tomorrow hopefully. we need to get this ride in this weekend. suppose to be nice thur fri sat.

yeah if it doesnt rain…well my exhaust and undertail are backordered…so i cancelled order on undertail made my own…now going with a m4 gp full exhaust

ya not a fan of the monster plastics. nice bike none the less

yeah its not for everyone…thanks though

we gotta ride sometime you being from gbg 2!!