1-18-08 Movie (wtf)

the trailer shows lady liberties head getting ripped off, i think that think could use her as a toothpick instead, so either that pic is trash, or the movie is

Supraman- if we had a rep system youd get


greens from me

Just saw the comercial for it, but pretty much same stuff in the trailer

yes i finally saw the trailer for it. it does not look bad and i probably will go see it

the regal has a big cloverfield stand up sign in the lobby

Here’s a trailer from new years…

I don’t think that it’s going to be as cool as i initially thought. I will probably go see it, despite that.

i can’t believe its still actually called cloverfield.

now that the time is closer, why was the movie so hyped and kept so secret?

hey. it got me interested. and i rarely get exited about movies. i think the only movie that lived up to the hype was 300.

ya tru, agreed

marketing; to create a buzz; to go “viral”… etc

im gonna make a prediction that the monster will never be in full view and it will involve a dr. , a con man, a tough chick, perhapps an asian couple, maybe a fat hispanic guy… but not an iraqi soldier or a wheel chair bound commando.

My only issues with their “viral marketing” plan was that they started waaay too early with not even close to enough updates… Although they made the right decision putting the trailer before transformers. It got me interested, then I kinda forgot about it because I saw the trailer over summer… But I am still going to see it opening night this way no d-bags ruin it for me. I really hope it doesnt suck :slight_smile:


I expect this to be a good film. Entertaining, but not ground-breaking and not a classic in the making.

Did anyone unlock this trailer from their website “game” or whatever? It was rehosted to youtube fortunately.

I’m a little more excited now than I was before



haha stay puffed lool

stupid but funny.

Just got 4 tix to the midnight screener since I’ll be gone this weekend :tup: