
Anyone see it? I think it was awsome.

whoever reviewed it in todays paper hated it, only gave it 2 stars. I’ll see it at some point i’m sure, the first one was really good

was told it was LOUD

I am going at ~330 to see it on the old IMAX. Saw the reviews as well, biggest complaint was the storyline…but this is not why I go see an action movie so meh.

People said that Terminator was really loud too, but it didn’t bother me at all

I heard it was terrible. :gotme:


Most of the “gay cowboy” loving critics are hating on it big time, so it should be amazing.

The guy on CNN said it was even worse than the original, so since 90% of the general population love the original I’m guessing that’s a good sign.

Yeah thats what i heard too, they also said it was too long lmao.

But in the end critics are critics.

i saw the movie last night… i tought it was very good

I haven’t seen it yet but I will see it no matter what, I just love that science fiction stuff.

I heard the iMax version has 4 extra fight scenes in true imax format.

Anyone see the Dark Night in imax and could tell me what it was like to go from widescreen to full imax? was it annoying or did it work?

In the paper today Simon said that if you were lucky enough to miss the first one blah blah blah.
Hes a horrible critic.
The first one was great

saw it last night. it was good but holy long movie. set up for a 3rd but i dont think there will be… are there any more clips after the credits like the 1st one? it was ardy 3am i didnt wanna stay any longer

I gave up half way through watching the first one… there’s only so much stomping on shit and plotless violence that I can take before I get bored.

i’m not even going to attempt to watch the second

soooooo put megan fox pix here lol

I take it you never watched transformers when you were young?

sure I did… but I have no interest in watching it now. I did enjoy the new batman,spiderman movies etc (ironically I didn’t read or watch either of those when young)…

When i watched the original one the first time i seen the full movie, but ever since then i can only watch one hour of it then it gets boring. Its okay.

saw it last night, it was a good movie :tup: i never listen to critics because they don’t have the same taste as many people in the nation, they are paid to tear movies apart, not just enjoy them for what they are: entertainment.

20% on rotten tomatoes.

WOW, that’s bad.

20% on rotten tomatoes.

WOW, that’s bad.

and I’ve been reading reviews on it and LMAO at how they all try to one up each other over how bad this movie is.