1.6 Mile shot

An Ambridge man has been charged with shooting a pregnant woman who was riding on a motorcycle nearly two miles away earlier this month in Allegheny County.

State police in Moon Township charged Martin C. Patterson III, 47, of 998 Maplewood Ave., with aggravated assault and reckless endangerment in the bizarre incident.

Patterson’s mother, Betty, answered the phone at Patterson’s house Wednesday morning and declined comment, saying his son’s attorney had instructed the family not to speak to the media.

According to police, Allisa Musser, 26, of Mount Oliver, was shot in the side while riding on the back of a motorcycle on Neville Island. Police said the bullet came from a rifle Patterson fired from a range at the Coraopolis Sportsman’s Club in Robinson Township, 1.6 miles away.

Patterson for unknown reasons shot over a 70-foot backdrop at the range, police said.

Read tomorrow’s Times for more details.

The club will most likely be prosecuted for negligence on their part.

good shot, they should make him a sniper in the military instead of sending him to jail.

I had a bullet whiz past my head back when I was in high school. I was walking out to the mailbox and it zipped by and went through the neighbors window, who’s house is at a lower level. Good thing i didn’t walk out 5 seconds sooner!

There’s woods behind my parent’s house, but it wasn’t hunting season, and there’s a range a mile or so back, so I’d assume it came from there. Unless someone really didn’t like me…

wow that is crazy



whoa so he shot over a wall?

Patterson for unknown reasons shot over a 70-foot backdrop at the range, police said.

wtf is this lady doing on a motorcycle 4 months pregnant anyway!


Second, ppl need to be very careful with firearms at the range and in the field

bullets travel with force much farther than most ppl think. After shooting at a 1300 yard range, which is about 3/4 mile… i have even more respect for a fired bullet.

Thats some freaky odds for a bullet to hit someone that far away tho. how the hell did they find out it was him?

I think they would have shot again if the didn’t like you

Yeah, I want to know how they figured out it was him.

“Police said the round that struck Musser was a Russian Wolf .223, which according to ballistic tests, was similar in style to Patterson’s rifle.”


When reached by phone around noon Wednesday, Patterson described the incident as “a freak accident” and extended his apologies to Musser.

“I’m absolutely very sorry. This was not done on purpose by any means. I feel horrible about the whole thing. It was such a freak accident,” said Patterson, who belonged to the Robinson sportsmen’s club years ago but was there Aug. 2 as a guest of another member.

“My absolute sympathies go out to her (Musser),” Patterson said, declining to comment further on the advice of his attorney.


Police said they were able to track down Patterson, who hadn’t signed in at the sportsmen’s club before shooting on its range, by digging through the club’s garbage.

In the trash, police said they found an empty box that had contained Wolf Performance Ammunition-brand .223-caliber rounds that were bought at Sportsman’s Warehouse in Ohio Township — the same-caliber bullet that was removed from Musser’s side.

Police talked with three people, including Patterson, who had recently bought the ammunition at the store. Testing showed the bullet that struck Musser came from Patterson’s rifle, police said.

Patterson apologized for the shooting in a follow-up interview, police said.


Musser, reached by phone Wednesday afternoon, said she wasn’t “angry at (Patterson), per se.

“I truly know it was an accident, and I’m sure he feels horrible. But why didn’t he just come forward in the first place?” Musser asked.

Musser said her wound has healed since the shooting, though the spot where she was shot is still bruised and tender. She said her baby is doing fine.

“I felt the first strong kicks a few days to a week after the shooting. I think that was the baby letting me know, ‘I’m here, I’m OK,’ ” Musser said.

Did he leave a receipt and everything for them? Wow, I’m impressed.

“I truly know it was an accident, and I’m sure he feels horrible. But why didn’t he just come forward in the first place?” Musser asked.

how the fuck was he suppose to know he shot someone???

i dont think a 223 would even go that far fast enough with enough energy to hurt someone. Thats crazy

Gets windy down here in the valley, anything is possible :rofl:

she is mad cause he didnt come through and admit to it? she must have hit her head on the fall


gang fight right up the street now blamed for shooting… oops, forgot those appt hold some hevy hittas :eek3:

i lived on that ilsnad fr 2 yers… fk it