Wyotech Shooting 11-20-07


Thats some pretty crazy stuff. Hopefully this isnt a repost I just did a real quick search.

ohwell, one less wyotard zipping up and down 22

Ohwell?! wow, fuck you.

On another note, i like how they give you the guys name and address who shot him…wouldnt be surpised to see this house vandalized. in which he deserves to say the least


umm if i read the article in the PG right the person who got smoked was being suspecious… after reading the trib its more clear except y dude was there in the first place. People don’t get shot for no reason… i’m gonna say drugs.

Crazy…sounds like some drama taken out of control…people are too scared to take an ass woopin and resort to using guns…pussies

Maybe it was the cocksucker that stole my car…

wow, and i just signed my lease for my apartment out there today.

it says something about how they went to vandilize someones house with bricks and got chased out and when they left the truck kicked up gravel causeing the guy waving the gun to “accidentally” fire it at the side of there ram killing the driver…

and the moral of the story is…

I agree with this “Oh well”. The kid who died was throwing bricks at someone’s house because he “heard” that garcia kid was ruining people’s projects??? Then all the assholes in that article conspired to get rid of the gun after the shot was “accidently” fired?

They all sound like scum bags to me including the kid who got killed. If the kid was so respected and so forth take shit problems like the ones that initally started the whole mess to the proper authorities.