1 PM at East Mall

Be there! :rofl:rofl


My dad said it was cool for me to meet Lisa.


Thanks Nagy Films for blowing up my spot, I guess it’s back to a bag of blow-pops and my white van.

quality production!!!

The kid looks just like BennyFizzle LOL

QFT. anyways i lold at this. get their permission to meet up with somebody

also did anybody notice that the “chat room” was microsoft word?

And the mouse was to the left of the keyboard.

Yeah you beat me to the punch! hhahahaha

ROFL @ the dude chatting with little girls in MS word!

Searching craigslist for a part time job…

whats this, Casting Call for infomercial? Lets see if I meet the qualifications:

-Male over the age of 45, CHECK
-Farmers tan, CHECK
-Rapestache, FUCK YEAH CHECK
-Prior convictions of child molestation, YESSSS I AM IN!!!

rapestache bahahahaha

How do you know it is suppose to be a “chat room”? May be they are typing a letter in word and mail it out?? It was the 90’s you know??? :rofl