I don’t subscribe to this magazine but I noticed it on the news stand and seen there was a 2008 wrx build. Good read, until they come to the dyno numbers.
they claim the stock wrx made around 180awhp. which seems correct…but they say a cld air intake made a 20 hp increase…and a turbo back exhaust made the final dyno numbers 230whp. WTF!? and no tuning. I can’t believe they could inflate numbers this much.
This will be my last SCC mag I buy. that’s just crap
that does seem like a bit much. Turbo motor will respond to exhaust much more then na but I dunno if thats a reasonable number for a Subi. Maybe Inn-tune can chime in.
yeah i also find that hard to believe, never really been a huge fan of sport compact car magazine they are all about the bolt ons. i didnt know you got a new subby man, u still in boston? if u still are id like to check it out sometime man.
Well if its all restricted flow I could see a jump… But with a tune. 50hp from two bolt ons idk I could only see it happening with a tune, or its going to run awfully lean
I dont think SCC would inflate #s, turbo cars definately could see that kinda of increase from a intake and exhaust. Im not sure about WRXs but its definately plausible.
Doesn’t actually seem all that inflated to me. They might’ve rounded up, but overall, you’re dealing with removing a stock exhaust completely, which works wonders on turbo cars.