10/10 people think this thread is incredible.

ummm… hm.

not funny.

title fixed…

well played.

i think this should just be locked, i dont see this thread going anywhere…

Zwarbyt can lock it if he wants, it IS OT so…

Seriously, some day when I lose my job for not being smart enough to do it anymore I’m suing NYSpeed.

Just kidding. I proactively choose each and every day to come here and lower my IQ just a little more…


Dotted for truth.

its getting old real fast

thread of the year



I thought it was funny, I can’t believe how many people didn’t.

You really should not be a mod, :tdown:

Your vagina hurts too? It’s off topic, anything goes, sir.

Yeah but title changes…meh


agreed. petition to remove rubicant from moderator status.

That’s how men moderate, IMO.

Can i petition to let my brain forget this stupid thread? No, so i will vote to keet ruby slippers so you all suffer.
