Hey eveyone PLEASE READ!

Okay I know i haven’t been on here much and im newer to the page. I do plan to post more but well with college and such things have been a bit slow. But ill be showing up on here more as things slow down. Really enjoy the page and look forward to meeting some new gear heads. Anyhow im here to post something from my home town tuners page I hope everyone will look at and pass around to raise some awareness. Tring to get this out in the media more and make more people aware.

   About a year ago we had a friend of ours shot and paralyzed by a local Ottawa Hills cop well he was out riding with a friend. The video in the link shown finally show he made NO threatening movement or anything toward the officer when they were pulled over. He simply stopped and the cop stepped out of his car and for some reason saw him as a threat and fired. He's now paralyzed from the waist down. Mike's a great guy and him and his family dont deserve this at all. Im not bashing cops here I have the utmost respect for them, being a fire fighter for 5 years I have seen the shit cops have to put up with. But Ottawa hills cops are known for excessive force and this isnt the first time they have been investigated for a shooting. Please check the link (its from my local back home tuners page) guys on there are great and hope some of you guys on here will pass this around. Thank you and I look forward to being a bit more active on the forum. 


#1 - This has nothing to do with cars so it probably shouldn’t be in autos.

#2 - If this is a video of your friend getting shot you should probably warn us not to watch it at work. Or just warn us period. I have no desire to see your buddy get shot.

#3 - We can’t watch it anyway because we would have to log into toledotuners.com to see it.

I guess that’s one way to try to increase traffic to your site.

Or you can just see the video here:


What Fry said. Give us a link to the video instead of the thread its in…

Edit- Just watched video, no blood or anything seen. The kid definitely did not make threatening movements- cop was out of line.

Why did they race with an obvious cop car behind them? It wasn’t even under cover. Could have been avoided if they didn’t do stupid shit while riding…

That video is really fucked up. Guy didn’t do anything but turn slightly to look toward the cop.

jesus christ man that is insane… i cant believe they just shot him while he was standing there

Guess that teaches us to never pull over for a cop.

Never watched a man become paralyzed before. Sorry to hear about your bro :tdown:

This vid is spreading around like wildfire across a bunch of forums. Definitely out of line for the cop, hope he gets put away for that stupid move.

yeah thats a load of shit. dude needs to go to jail.

Sorry about the hasty post before to anyone that got upset. Hope you will accept my apologies.

      Yes as the video shows he didn't make any threatening movement when the cop stepped out of his car he simply turned to look at the officer and as you can see the officer fired. THEN after already shooting him the cop tells him to put his hands out. Nice hu? we are all watching this closely to see what happens but the officer is ovisly at fault. Mike had a clean record and didn't shot any threat of force to the officers. Why they took off from the stop so fast im guessing to fuck with the cop as Ottawa hill cops will bust your nuts for so much as spitting out your window. They have A LOT of complaints of excessive use of force and harassment against them. I just hope this all works out for the best for MIke and his family his is a great guy and good family man. Thanks for all the words of support guys.

Looks like an overly aggressive cop. That sucks.

Guess it’s not smart to toy with cops that are known to be asshats and on power trips.

But it sucks happened, hope this cop becomes someone’s bitch in jail

I thought I either read or heard somewhere that the claimed reason why the rider did not stop was because his pipes were so loud he couldn’t hear the cops siren. Now whether he was just trying to mess around with the cops or not, how can you not notice a cop’s behind you with lights and sirens going? I know he didn’t lead them on a big chase or anything, but why not stop right away? Regardless, what the cop did was wrong, and I’m sure he is and will be regretting this for the rest of his life.

I don’t have speakers here at work, but the total time from when the lights go on, which was after they left the stop sign was around 15 seconds. Doesn’t seem like that much time to me.

Secondly, what is with the second bike rolling over a curb at the other stop sign? Looks like something weird is going on there.

And thirdly, how long was this cop setting up, because in 15 seconds there was another squad car on a cross street in the video. I would like see how long this cop was following the bikes, what he said on the radio prior, etc.

To be honest, there was absolutely no reason to shoot him and if he thought he was that much of a threat, wouldn’t the cop order him to get off the bike and put his hands up?

i haven’t seen the vid yet, but I’ve definitely not noticed cops behind me on my motorcycle. just lights no noise, and I don’t check my mirrors as often on the highway if there isn’t heavy traffic. I was freezing one day so I just went into a tuck down the 33 and had a cop say I was “trying to run” because I didn’t stop (I just didn’t see him, can’t see mirrors in a tuck).

I could easily see how a biker wouldn’t notice a cop behind him. Hell most of my bikes didn’t even have mirrors.

The video isn’t working for me, but why is the cop charged with assault? Wouldn’t this be attempted murder in NYS? I thought a gun was a deadly weapon and if used the intent was to kill?

Wow, what a douche.

That’s really shitty, fuck that cop.

what a pile of shit cop.

Done, gun and badge turned in, prison sentence, and I hope the paralyed guy owns his house, car ect.

he shot him in the back, like are you serious? there were several seconds between the guy turning and the moment of time it takes to draw and aim a gun, of which the cop could have shot him in the face/chest.

Mr. big bad police man just wanted to shoot someone.

put your hands up put your hands up? He just fucking shot him. I cant even begin to describe how fucking stupid he was, and to think, they hired an idiot like that.
IA needs to re evaluate the entire department and bring in someone to retrain everyone

christ, way to give cops a bad name.

Not gonna like and will probably get flamed for saying this but when I saw the link and your post, I expected some law abiding citizen standing there and getting shot.

After watching it, they did make a break for it, stop randomly after one of the guys almost crashed, and he just sat there like a punk eying the cop… I have watched world wildest police chases to see that cops dont like it when you run from them and usually involves you getting cornered with guns drawn by extremely pissed off and worried cops since you did endanger their lives on their joy ride. Should have gotten his hands up and not been such a dick sitting there with his hands hidden from the cop after they decided to stop the chase. His movement and actions were to blame.