10/12 Discover America Rally

2008 Discover America Car Rally
Sunday, October 12, 2008
115 Miles thru the Southern Tier
Brought to you by Rallymasters of W.N.Y.

Start: Hamburg Holiday Inn, Hamburg, NY
Finish: The Holland Willows, Holland, NY

Registration opens at 9:30 AM
First Car Off at Noon

Registration Fee is $40 if pre-registered and pre-paid (by October 7th) or $45 on the day of the event
Includes Rallyist’s Roast Beef Dinner for two at the Finish
Save $5 off the pre-registration fee by obtaining a certificate from one of our sponsors and sending it in with your Paid Pre-Registration

e-mail for more info: RallyWNY@aol.com


This event is not like a normal road rally… it’s not straightforward, there are a lot of traps, and they time you to the nearest minute. But it’s all on paved roads so you don’t have to have a rally car or even snow tires. All you really need is a team of two people who can stand each other for a few hours :smiley: a car with a working odometer/speedometer, pencil/calculator/clipboard, etc. It was a bunch of fun last year. If you’re interested, you still have a few days to preregister and save $5.

Wee, I’m excited for this.

loads of fun. i do it every year.

Looking quite forward to it. :slight_smile:

did it two years ago.

I was like 8th car… got super lost, ended up behind everyone, but then passed everyone and was the first one to the finish by atleast 15 minutes.

Fun, as usual. Marnie and I picked up second place with 4 points. First place had 2 points. :fistshake: Third place had 13 points. 56 registered cars, and 54 made it to the end.

fucking string maps! i still cant figure out how to read that fucking thing!

Was quite a good time, string maps were a bitch. Make a bit more sense now though. Got 1st rally noob award, 25th overall, was a ton of fun.

String maps are easy, if you think of them the correct way. Just keep thinking how many roads you need to leave to the left or right… like if you see this +, you know you need to make some sort of execution (even if that means driving straight) to keep one road to your left and one road to your right). If you get one that is like |< you need to execute to leave two roads on your right (in a four way intersection, that would mean making a left).

The string maps come pretty easy for me thinking about it like that.

makes it a little easier to understand. I feared it when i saw it on the first half but oh well there is always next year.

Yeah, this event was awesome! Fun roads, gorgeous scenery, perfect weather… we didn’t get lost at all… I still can’t believe that other team got a 2. :lol:

My pictures:

Makeshift rally car: