10" of not so fluffy white crap

Weatherman blew this one…1-3 forecast and woke up to 10" of snow. No one was ready for this one. :ahh I hate winter!:eek3

wtf…why can’t i have any snow. i want 10 inches of white stuff!!! (i know this will now be taken wrong)

Move out of the northeast then.

Was 64*F and windy here today. I needed a light jacket. Total bullshit.

Didnt you get more snow then NY last year? Lol

I love snow, thats why I stay in NY I just we would get some damn snow at my house!

That can’t happen fast enough…but I have to wait another 5 years.

Yeah, the year he moved down there he almost starved because the damn state shut down when a little flurry moved in.

Had a coating of slush here, up north some spots got a foot plus.

Saratoga got a few inches. Nothing from here on up to Round Lake and then there was snow. Our washer repairman lives in Glens Falls and got 6"

About 5" here in saratoga, I was down in Philly today and it was in the 60’s. Big surprise when I got home.

Come on Erik it wasn’t that bad, original forecast was 5-9.