100 million dollar Heist v.Success


so much for the phrase, that kind of stuff only happens in movies. The poor rich people won’t be able to buy their diamonds this holiday season.



They were probably insured by AIG. We’re probably replacing them right now. :uhh:


Man that would be so cool to be in heist and get away with it… those guys wont have to work for a few years lol.


Where will you sell these stones? I am sure if you try to sell you will be reported to authorities. Money would be easier.

Did you read the article???

he obviously didn’t… I’ll save you the time… they’re showing up on craigslist.

Why do people love it when robbers get away with such large sums valuables just because they are seemingly anonymous valuables or “corporate” wealth?

I’ll admit, I think it’s kind of cool. I just don’t know why…

Next on their list is to get a monkey to do battle with.

So, easily, they just need to watch the monkey market to catch 'em!

Hopefully they were all blood diamonds so that much more blood can be spilled replacing them. :slight_smile:

Hopefully when the harvest moon sets on the morning, the rise of the working class man will be fulfilled with justice and an affluence of prosperity…:mamoru:

Actually, since blood diamonds are those that fund warfare through their profits and these diamonds removed profits from the system I would say it will do more to hurt the trade than enhance it. They will also offer an (small) alternative source for those seeking illicit diamonds.

I’d pay extra!

Maybe in addition to ambulance chasing 101 you should pick up econ 101 as an elective. :wink:

Since the diamonds were already at a retail store wouldn’t the blood diamond mines already have their money?

The diamonds were insured, so the store will quickly get a check and need to replace them with more diamonds, increasing demand for new diamonds, some of which will no doubt come from blood diamond mines right?

I have my MBA, and thanks. When the insurance claim is filed their rate may go up. This will either get passed to the consumer or absorbed into the cost of business. I don’t see how you can argue that profits weren’t taken out of the system.

It’s a stretch, I know…

edit: Also, diamonds are tightly controlled by DeBeers (as we all know). And their replacement really means little to the actual supply. You’re right that stones already mined are probably sold and the profits have been realized, but these diamonds will be recirculated into the system effectively diluting it a teeny tiny bit.

I dont think thats what he is arguing… no doubt this will still create more of a demand for diamonds will it not… cost has nothing to do with this when “blood diamonds” will be obtained at pretty much any cost…


Insurance company profit, maybe, but even that’s a stretch considering how many premiums they collect where they never have to pay out.

Diamond industry profit? Laughable. Their premium might go up a few percent. And their premium represents a small percentage of their total operating costs. So a few percent of a few percent. Woot! So if they lost 1000 diamonds when account for these big cost increases they can only afford to replace what, 999?

And lets not forget that had they not been stolen they probably wouldn’t have sold all of them anyway with the global economic slowdown. The store is probably laughing their ass off all the way to the bank. And I’m sure some blood diamond mine owner is cracking the whip just a little bit harder to make sure he’s ready to fill that order when it comes in.

I don’t know. I would imagine blood diamonds are purchased for below wholesale due to their illicit nature. As for the demand for diamonds worldwide I would imagine it is on the decline due to the economic situation. So, to keep the prices stable DeBeers will probably have to buy up the excess diamonds in the market. Diamonds that have been stolen or maybe sold off because their owners need money. maybe…