Man made vs Natural Diamonds

Anyone been looking into this? I have been hearing more and more about high grade synthetic diamonds. I’m all about spending the $$ on the real deal but this new synthetic market could finally release the monopoly that is the Diamond industry.

Discussion/opinions/smart ass comments?

I have looked into them quite a bit. Most of the lab made diamonds are yellow.

I really want to see them get a little bigger, then I will look more.

just an fyi, but that article is over 4 years old. This process is nothing new. Interesting to see though, very interesting.

I researched man-made diamonds for about 10 minutes before i realized i didn’t want to be “that guy”. PLUS they can only be made Yellow…big turn off for me.

I once saw super man make a diamond with his fist.

jewels are a total waste of money.

I have been trying to find some recent studies or reports on them that at not biased one way or the other. The reviews from the people that have purchased the synthetics have been all extremely positive.

I also don’t think I can be that guy but am very interested to see how this plays out with the economy getting very tight.

Don’t buy a diamond. If you must, go second-hand. PDF

foods a much better investment, am i right, or am i right, (please dont eat me)



Can you guys fight each other with guns that way we can be sure that only one will walk away?

haha were just cracking jokes, no fighting here.

soooo your single?

i pretty much don’t care as lot as the woman likes it.

Some good articles John.

Here are some current publications on synthetic diamonds.

man made diamonds are nearly imperceptible. I think hey are great, but they don’t carry the status of a natural stone. That said, I do think the overvaluation of diamonds is out of control and the diamond cartels make me sick. do whatever you can to avoid the mauls

that said, the e-ring I buy, won’t have a diamond as the main stone at all… so…

and custom > *

I really wouldn’t be opposed to a man-made diamond. It looks the same and there is no blood in it.

The more people that come to terms with the truth of diamonds the more acceptable it will be to buy man-made. I say, be a pioneer and help the cause (caveat: as long as its ok with your girl).

I’ll check with my lady after the holiday and see if i could have saved some money. lol.

Exactly, who the fuck cares what you want anyway? Buy what she wants… if she wants some 4ct blood diamond then you are a retard and need to pull the rip cord. when My girl told me she wanted this for a ring… I knew I found the right one.

looks like it’s a man’s ring.