What would you do if you found $350K worth of diamonds?


I’d probably bitch out and do the same thing

God is watching he says… uhhuh. Maybe god dropped off 350K on your lap to get your life in order and you were stupid.

or maybe some asshat did, either way i would have kept that shit :slight_smile:

i would have put them on my rims

haha. i would have called that guy from a payphone saying that i was dipping my balls in his diamonds




:lol: I prolly do the same

i’d keep them all, probably try eating one and seeing how long it takes to crap it out

is that kind of stuff insured?
if not…id have to give them back.
if they are…fuck insurance companies, thats what they are there for.


does no one find it the least bit fishy that all there was in this suitcase was (100) Diamonds and a Cell Phone bill?

No dec. page, no company info, no ID of anykind…

Bueller? Buuuuuuueller?

id do 2 chicks at once

I would do one chick at once, but really thoroughly.

fuck i’ve got that bette midler song in my head now

“God is watching us. God is watching us.
God is watching us from a distance.”

i would fucking take that shit…its untraceable. shit happens for a reason.

i love how when people are handed shit, they take it openly, and accept it.
i love how when people are handed 350k, they give it back, and complain.

if you’re that fucking senseless to leave 350k worth of diamonds in a cab…then you shouldn’t be allowed to have them.

people make mistakes…not 350k in jewels mistakes though.

Not true, most diamonds manufactured today are laser engraved before being released out to the public.

All it would have taken is for you to try and sell one to a person who wanted to register it and you would have popo knocking at your door…

If I found 350k in diamonds… I’d find 200k in diamonds. :wink:
This is a possiblity with what this person did as well.

Word. If you look closely with a magnifying glass you can see the engraving along the edge of the diamond.

I would have given them back too. I wouldn’t have felt right about keeping them.

i’d make sure i got a nice reward at the time of handing the diamonds over

diamonds? traceable…so I would turn them in.
cash? I’d pocket it.