$100 Speeding ticket - paid in pennies!!!!

my court date is tomorrow at 9am

i have $100 worth of wrapped pennies from the bank in my room

i have heard different thing, they will accept them and some say they wont. WTF do i do!!! i dont want to be stuck with a ton of un-wrapped pennies…

its in Mass for going 35 in a 25 long story cop was a complete DICK


Its money so I think they have to accept it

i remember this story. i say go for it.

yea i thought i made a thread but couldnt find it. but they have no way of couting it and prob wont count it rite then and there i am un wrapping it all as we speak so idk i think im gona get fucked

just make sure you bring $100 cash if it doesnt work out :rofl

Fuckin doooo it

I’m going to laugh if they make you count it out for them.

i wont count it kuz its already counted im thinking i can leave them an account number if im short, but im not because the bank had it all rolled i will post pics in a few min this is fuckin great

this is what pete would do, fuck its a good idea

how much does it all weigh? i bet quite a bit

No, Pete would bring in $100 worth of cans he picked up off the side of the road.

You know this but they don’t and you have no proof of that, especially in you have them unrolled.

Mad good idea !! loling .I wonder what the persons face will look like when they see it .

pics up in 2

Do it. Fuck the courts

$50 sorted in 10 10 10 10 5 5

$50 sorted, well not really its just in one box.

i left $25 worth wrapped, $5 in dimes and $2 in nickles

Im going to make them feel sorry for me. ima say im a broke college student with no job and i had to clear out my piggy bank to make this payment. I paid the lady $20 in quarters just to fill my tank to get here!!! haha make them feel sorry for me and say i tried to wrap it all but i ran out of time im so sorry but this is what you have to do to make ends meet. omg im gona start cracking up when i say that hahaahahah pics:

it didnt cost anything to get them from the bank, and about 15 min to un wrap them all


They legally have to accept it. It’s legal curency.

yea thats what everyone says but do they REALLY have to? they have no way of telling if it is the correct amount w/o counting it. I could short them $10 and they wouldn’t even know it. My friend said i could leave them my account number incase im short? anyone ever done this? i have a feeling theya re just gona laugh at me and tell me to get the fuck out lol but the last thing i wana do is put it on my credit card and have all these god damm pennis around

i just put it on the scale… 58 pounds