
MOtherfucking BENCH RACER!!!

quote 1 :
If I wasn’t driving the truck for work I’d be daily driving the Vette.

quote 2 :
MY daily driver pwn your daily driver.

contradiction within the same efighting post… CLASSIC!

something you don’t drive daily != daily driver… please backpeddle.

you’re a huge faggot… bring your car out! there was an auto vette hurting to break into the low 14’s last night… i know because ya know… I WENT TO THE TRACK AND RACED… i didn’t just think about it and talk about it on the internet.

go fuck yourself! lets race homo… you talk mad shit on me for no reason and i’m not the one scared to race!!! i don’t care if i win or lose, it’s already obvious who is the pussy assed bitch and who is not!