15 year old gets gang raped. onlookers do nothing.

What if you didn’t do it?

Bystander Effect

I guess there are all kinds of labels to prevent calling people scumbags.

I don’t see it as preventing any kind of value judgment or character assessment; it’s just a term somebody came up with the get paid.

We’d still use the imperfect court system I suppose.

hang them or shoot them in public and we wouldn’t have to worry about it happening again anytime soon. If it happened in Texas the Police wouldn’t have been called… the coroner would have.

I hope the girl heals physically even though she will never heal emotionally.

some filthy whores are into crap like this, but she might have been so messed up that these sick bastards went way too far…

remember the story of that girl that accused those 5 guys of raping her, then it turns out she was DTF and had second thoughts after and reported it? But they got off because of cell videos?

Yeah, not saying this is the case, but this is WHY we have to have a justice system.

“As people announced over time that this was going on, more people came to see, and some actually participated,” Gagan said.

Now thats fucked up

Onlookers probably did not alert police because you can’t text a 911 call?
(or can you?)

we need to go back to 19th century justice in this country

“omg my bff itb do not want halp”


welcome to the new America. People are afraid to get involved. A new nation of pussy’s.

Yeah they’ve done studies on this…sadly most of the time people are too afraid to help.

Definatly gweeds


Thought the same thing when I read that line.

Yeah, but in this instance, the girl is 15, the guy was a past student at 19, and then people came to watch and join in?

What the fuck is all I can say. Had to be like riot mentalitly, someone smashes something, then all hell breaks loose…except usually ramming objects into another person and using your dick takes a little more thought lol

Plus, fry, she didn’t pass out drunk under a bench if she was hospitalized for several days.

Especially when out there, somewhere, is a lawyer who is willing to throw your ass on the pyre of justice for liability if you don’t help “correctly”. It doesn’t pay to help, sometimes - although in this case, I cannot for the life of me fathom how no one would even call the police.

I know one man alone isn’t going to do anything but get his ass beat by the crowd, but a phone call, or leaving to get help could probably have been done.

Incidents like this just reaffirm my belief that most human beings are barely above savage animals, or, perhaps, below them. After all, when have you heard of animals gang raping their own?

You let 3rd world people into a 1st world country and they still act like 3rd world people, it is what it is, not suprised, this is the new future of America

So many fucking scumbags
God forbid something ever happened like that to someone i knew or even if it was someone i didnt know, i would have no problem going to jail for fucking killing someone for raping or hurting a girl

i have a problem of people “taking advantage” of girls who are drunk, when you’re fucking them they have no clue what’s going on.

this fucking pisses me off a lot.

They should all be raped with a fucking shovel