15 year old gets gang raped. onlookers do nothing.


I dont understand how you can witness this bullshit and not do a damn thing about it.

People are pathetic

wtf, how was that even possible? wouldn’t she scream?

they were probably watching an jerkin of while they took pics.

wow, makes me sick to my stomach.

end the life of these assholes

I saw this on the news last night and wanted to vomit. If I was there it would take everything I had to not blow each one of these fagget assholes heads off while waiting for the police to show up.

Seriously is it that hard to get pussy that you have to kidnap a child and rape her

20 fucking people, 2 and a half hours and no-one thinks “hey this is fucked up! someone should stop this and call the cops”


WTF is wrong with people?


Saw this on bimmerforums a couple days ago, shits disgusting.

Just to play devil’s advocate, the way the story is written it could mean anything from she was beaten to within an inch of her life and forcibly raped to drunk and DTF and passed out afterwards.

We’ll see…

I mean seriously…I think if you do stuff like this you lose your right to live.

I read this yesterday and was disgusted

Some people are seriously scumbags. I dont understand how someone could get any pleasure out of that unless they were fucked in the head. They should be STONE’d to death in that very spot. I would fly out there just to assist in this…

She was not only rapped but also sodomized by a foreign object and had to be hospitalized for four days.

At what point, even if initially willing does it turn into forced rape? Oh maybe when you are required to spend 4 days in the hospital.

every person who stood there and watched this go down and did nothing to stop it is just as guilty

god people are fucking scumbags

Just disgusting.

Makes you long for the days when justice was swift and involved a noose and a tree.

I just read the linked article, which doesn’t say any of that. If that’s true then that’s fucked up.

Not anymore, now we need to make sure the cots in jail aren’t too hard, that the inmates get cable TV, exercise, at least 3 meals a day, and that the guards aren’t too rough on them. After all these people only raped people, murdered people, stole money, ruined families, etc etc.

I think the “You get what you give” rule should be applied. If you kill somebody you lose your life. Quit over crowding these fucking jails. Instead some of these convicted rapists and murders live better than some of our veterans you were willing to give their life if needed to defend our country.

Fucking pathetic America.