150+ MPH

is anyone else a little shocked that a VW hippie van has a coeffiecient of drag of .38??? i’d say that’s pretty damn good for a super tall flat faced brick…

here’s some food for thought a C5 z06 has a cd of .29 and that is stellar, lower than some of the high priced exotics.

as far as the sunroof thing is going, i understand the sho owners point of view he’s saying when you only lift the rear of the sun roof (“vent”) , creating a “mini wing” on the roof. but at the same time, i think that for any amount of downforce it could create, it would be negated by the extra drag, and as for being able to “feel” the downforce or the car squatting it could also just be the extra drag slowing you down and yes slightly pushing the car down at the same time.