16 inch 5x114.3 wheels for winter set up

I got some 4 x 100 15 inch wheels… So now on too the 16’s-

Looking for some honda rims or steel wheels 5 x114.3- 16 inch in size for my buddies winter set up… Its for a 2009 Civic Si

Let me know if you have anythin,

ill keep my eyes open for ya my buddies are always getting rid of steelies. all i can offer you if 13"s lol…but they have fairly new hankooks on them

na mini’s need 15 to clear the brakes in front, Old VW wheels work great (right offset/hub size) honda’s may have too small of a hub.

Bump got some 15’s for my sisters mini now I need the 16’s let me know if you have anything…

bump still looking for some 16’s :slight_smile: