1858 miles, 3 M5's, a GTR, 2 cops, a few flights, and I'm home with M Power. RIP S62

Since you forgot all about me on Tuesday night, come over tonight. :slight_smile: Iā€™ll be finishing up putting the car back together.



Sad to hear, but that is a really good pic.

thatā€™s what i was thinking LOL :frowning:


Yeah, Alicia shot it with the D300 at like 2:30am in fog somewhere on I75 South, oddly about 20 minutes from where I bought the car (originally it was in St. Pete). Amusingly Iā€™m not upset about it at all shrug.



I will sell you mine.

Nah, gonna do a stock replacement and rebuild this one, maybe for my e9.

Ugh well good luck. Make sure you take good notes as I will blow mine up eventually.

That sucks man. Sorry to hearā€¦

You really gonna buy an f150 to tow that home? sounds odd.

Iā€™ve been meaning to buy a truck for quite a while and found a dealer down here selling new '08 leftovers for $11k.

Fuck. Well I have video of itā€™s last* great burnout :tup:

(*that I know of)

that sucksā€¦ this is precisely why im afraid to buy a higher mileage bmw thoughā€¦ and by higher i mean over 40k lol.

btw, where in florida are you, and what are you doing down here?


Ft Myers Beach/Estero Island.

I forget where you said you are, but hit me up!

Josh, VIDEO GO! Progress?

You do realize that Mikeā€™s driving style, and the resulting wear-and-tear on any car, would not be a good representation of the strength of itā€™s motor. :wink:

Actually, Iā€™m impressed itā€™s lasted this long :tup:

Almost 40k miles! and I bought it with 100k on it.