19 yearold kills friend, showing off in his Mustang GT in Fulton County

I checked the spelling, becasue we get trolled by young kids thinking they are badass all the time. Young as in 15-20. The kid in question is 19. Assumptions would put 2 and 2 together and we didnt see a 10 year old coming!

When it was found out that she was 10, I ACTUALLY + REPPED HER, (click user CP, scroll down and see my comment). and said what she responded with, being 10 is actually very well thought out as a matter of fact.

So please tell your daughter atleast KrazyKid is proud of her for sticking up for someone, and assumed she was much older.

BUT, mom. letting the kid online with free reign is a failure on your part, hardcore. Just look at the username your 10 year old picked out! Not to mention the ridicule you must have assumed would come from it. Giving you the benefit of doubt, based on a 10 year old picking BITCH as a username, you weren’t standing over her shoulder as she signed up and started posting… I would not be very proud of what you did here. :frowning: