My husband just bought a convertable the other day that he found on this site.It is awesome,and we are loving it. We are glad we ran across this site.
welcome. keep us posted about the car. def a good find as you don’t se too many of those
I will keep you posted with pictures.I tried to comment on here to the guy that sold it to us,but it will not let me.Hoping he will see that we are very pleased,and it was worth the drive up there.
You need five post to be allowed access to the other parts of the forums. Welcome.
gearheads nova?? that thing is so sweet!
Yeah I think that is where it came from…Gearheads. My husband has been messing around with that car every since he brought it home.
Glad it worked out! I was so surprised to hear that you found it on this site of all places!
That poor car is going to love the warmer climate it did not like the 20* chills that morning!
Got home just piddling with,found the choke on carburator was unplugged.Plugged up,and started and running like a brand new one.Monday I am going to order new carpet,door plates,and start having the seats re=done. Yesterday,was 67 degrees here,let the top down,and went riding around block.You were very nice,and helpful thanks a lot.
Congrats on your buy. Gearhead is a topnotch guy.
Congrats & welcome to the site. Keep us posted as to what you do with the car.
Classic Muscle FTW.
In case you arent a member yet…join
Thank you…we will go do that!
welcome. pics of wife with car?
Congrats on the purchase. JTech FTW
welcome, pictures of said car?
The only pictures we have at the moment are the ones that Gearhead has. I don’t know how to put any on here.When I figure it out I will post some.