1977 dodge pickup project


Bitchin’ :tup:

Haven’t really touched it to much since I’ve posted the previous time messed around with fuel system a little because its not getting gas to the engine. I am planning on getting it running before winter so it can go into the garage but beyond that probably not Much else this year.

Figured id update the tread a little, we got the truck running today after installing a carb and it runs great. now onto the other things like the dash gauges none of those work so the wiring will most likely the next part of the project then some mechanics like u joints and other suspension parts. ill be going down to harrys-u-pull-it next weekend and they have one of the trucks down there so hopefully I can find some gems while im down there!!!

That’s a great transformation!

Any work done to the interior?

Ive got a few parts for the interior but haven’t put them in yet since its sitting outside at the moment do to lack of room in our shop.

my good friend has literally a barn full of parts for 70s rams that he is trying to get rid of. PM me for his number.

This 2wd or 4wd? 360?

I believe D is 2wd and W is 4wd

That may be it. I cant ever remember

The truck is a W200 3/4 ton 4x4 with a 318

Needs a 12valve and a nv4500

Cool truck, it should be a fun project. I love my '91.

I really like the build this chap did:


Did some work today on the truck, put in the windshield we got out of the junkyard yesterday and found it a new home in the garage.

ok, cool. You called it a D200 in the first post.

This body style rarely gets any love.

Yeah that was my bad put the wrong model type in there lol. Yeah I haven’t seen to many around so it’ll be cool once its all done.

Theres not meny and to lower a 2wd u need to be creative so ppl dont even bother

Well a couple weeks ago me and my father went and picked up a bunch of parts for the truck. We drove up just outside of Albany now we should have most of the parts to finish the truck plus some spares for good measure.


I figured id post a pic of the area we picked threw to find the parts, he had a second story of a barn jam packed with parts from about 40 truck his dad had torn down over the years it was pretty amazing.

Well gave the truck a face lift this weekend new grill, turn signals and headlights
