1977 dodge pickup project

Good looking truck. These are so underrated, I think these have an honest style all their own. Keep the updates flowing :tup:

thanks im really hoping to get it road ready sometime this summer but we’ll see how that goes, still quite a few things to get done on it.

Well I’ve kind of been slacking on the updates so here’s the progress since last time. tore out the old seat and put in the new one, cleaned up and swapped some of the dash pad parts out, put a set of tires on it to replaces the dry rotted ones. Also did a full brake job and replaced some seals. Its just about road worthy we still need to fix the electrical so that the gauges work, fix the radiator and put power steering on it and do a tune up other then that its coming alone pretty well. Also Found an old picture online from when the truck was still in New Mexico sitting in the lot .











just curious, what did you spend for this truck when you picked it up?

We got it off the auction for 700 and probably had around a grand to ship it.

My grandpa had one of these when i was younger, it had a white cap on the bed, and was the same fadded red/orange.