1990 240sx $1200!! Need advice

hey guys. i saw this car today. this guy was asking for 2000 and i told him 800. but he said he’ll only do $1200. i just need sum expert advice from you pros. heres whats wrong with the car.

the windshield needs replaced
the wing is like ripping off
theres a driptray under the engine. (he says sum line is leaking)
theres a hole almost the size of my fist under the driver side. i “think” its the frame…
it seems like there are rust spots that were fixed

as you can tell i dont really know much about cars.
please let me know if this is worth buying.

walk away. the car is not worth more that 3-400 bucks. trust me. you mis SON eh? ah the drama.


edit: this maybe in the worng section.

Moved this to the 240 section and slightly edited your title so people don’t think it’s a for sale add.

IMO I would stay away from this car at this price. Unless you are very handy with a welder or have lots of cash to fix it up than hold out for something in better condition. It’s the “fist size hole” that worries me most.

It’s the frame if you look under the car and see the “box shape” sticking down from the rest of the car.

Here is a pic of the frame on my old S13:

Buying a used private car, is buying another mans headache!!!

its like the first thing u see when u look under the car…right under the drivers feet

It wont pass safty with a fist sized hole anywhere on the car. Unless your

looking for a project (which it seems like your not), stay away from that car.

DO yourself a Big FAVOUR and DONT BUY IT…

^^^^Take this advice, you may never know if what we were saying was true or not, but i bet you would be better off never knowing, take the green pill intead of the red one for this one, do what i did, pay a bit more and find a cleaner, car, my car is soooooooo clean though i still ended up paying $440, for one ball joint, four new tires, and few light bulbs, and an engine oil change, you might be able to sneak away with under the table safety but from experiance, within a week of driving you will regret your decision, soon after.


That car sounds wicked. Buy it.

I’ve bought many used cars from a private sellers and I’m happy. My 300ZX didn’t have any problems whatsoever. I think that’s actually my best purchase yet.
I’m more fearful of a used car from a dealer because I’m always looking to bargain a seller. When you bargain a dealer they move you to the shitter vehicle with problems that are covered up and without any form of Warranty.
Buying a car to me is about trusting my judgment. I feel I’ve learnt enough about cars and done enough inspecting/research to judge when a car is a lemon.

If you want a driver, my suggestion to you is to check everything that a shop would do when they safety a car. The car your describing sounds more like a little project to get it anywhere. Assuming you find out where that leak is coming from and it’s not anything severe, the car itself is fixable over the course of a weekend, or even a couple nights after work. Don’t expect a showcar with those rust spots though. Fighting that away will probably take a strip to bare metal to seal properly.

thanks guys i bought it. the hole isnt too bad. i talked to blade about fixing that at his shop. now i actually BELONG in this forum! =)

btw saw a nice 300zx on the side of dvp and eglinton area at 7pm.

You picked it up for $1200?
Congratulations on your new purchase. You have to fix it quick and bring it to the next meet. I see you’re in Markham.

Nice 300ZX at DVP and Eglinton?? It wasn’t me. You mean there are more than just mine??? :S Just kidding guys. There are TONS of 300s that are WAY better than mine and can run circles around my car.

the car died or sumthing…it was just on the side of the highway. i wanna show up for the meet but i dont know if i can fix it in time. i need help ><

The problems have already begun…1-99 more to go…lol…jks jks, well since you bought it, i’m sure we all can help you out in one way or another, it may just take a few weeks for the car to completely throw its problems at you, but now you own it, so hang in there and soon enough you’ll get to a point of good daily running car.

If you need help, post in the tech section, completely describe its simptoms and how it died on the road in deatil so someone can get back at you with a response, good luck.

hope you make it to the meet this week.


I hope you didn’t take my advice seriously… LOL

Anthony, I did bad :frowning:

If it’s auto and you were on the highway and the engine blew… I garuntee it’s a dropped/stuck valve. Stupid auto :@

I’ve owned and fixed 3 shitty rust buckets so far. the low price makes them attractive at first, but fixing them is a huge pain. when i buy a shitty rust bucket now, i look for lots of rust everywhere, but not too much in one place, if the entire quarter is rusted away then that is a bitch job to fix. but if there is lots of surface rust all over the place, thatz bitch too, but not so much. also look for something that is rusty in places that arent painted, like outer body panels. then you can f*ck up the repair and no one notices.

I just purchased my 4th shitty rust box last week. my only other piece of advice which i learned just recently: if the brake lines and fuel lines are rusting out, dont buy it. running lines is the bitchest job of all!

I would much rather have to replace an engine or transmission on a car with a mint body, then do bodywork on something that runs. mechanical stuff is fun, rust repair is maad gay.

now if i could only start taking my own advice…

lol, yes you should, consider your own advice, jks jks, but hey, you are absolutely right, the right way to buy cars under $5,000 is to find a good body with the least rust anywhere, and drive it for a while save money fix the small dents, throw in a tranny and engine and your good to go.

Hanzzz i have a problem, my rear passenger side rear quarter panel that connect to the rear bumper, has some 3cm by 4 cm rust to its wheel well, what should i do??? to fix it.

lol guys NOT the car i bought! the 300zx! hah thanks though… feel the love! shoul;d i post pics here or a new thread?

i will start a thread soon on how to fix a rusty shit box, my car has a variety of rust on it that i will be fixing, there will be lots of pictures and what not. just look for the thread.