it would be but if they give me more money then the cars worth im winning.
Just fix it and sell it for more? Its definitely worth it.
I was thinking the same thing.
well so far draftinwitjr has the highest bid lol.
you scrap this, i’ve got first dibs on parts.
Offering someone less than what a junkyard will come to your house, pick it up, and hand you 300 bucks for is not reasonable…
I’ll pm you my phone number. Need something to drive ASAP.
sounds good
To anyone who buys this, i know damn near everything about these cars and would be willing to help fix it if needed.
Good to know, I’ll be PM’ing ya shortly.
I didn’t think someone would scrap a perfectly good car with a minor brake issue, my bad. He said make an offer, I offered. Its not a lowball. We’re talking about a sub 500 car here. Yeah it needs work and I don’t think its worth $500, but I also don’t think people should scrap awesome cars. If the brake work was done, $500 all day. Just my opinion. Anyways, Don’t scrap it! These cars fucking rule.
sold. Please close mods