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---------- Post added at 06:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:13 PM ----------
Also should note, I’ll be taking it back to Licata’s due to the alignment changing/ride height slightly uneven after 300 miles…
Not overly happy with this, considering what I paid to have the entire alignment and suspension set up.
Second bad story about a Licatas alignment I heard this weekend…bummer
It could be something simple, but the hassle is that now I have to leave work early this week at some point so I can take it to them, because their hours are extremely inconvenient (M-F 8-5…no weekends?)
Russ gets there at 7 if you need to drop it off before work.
My car changed alignment too, but s2000’s are notorious for doing this. It was not 300 miles though
Keep this thing.
Bumpity bump. I want to sell this.
Also: here’s the CL ad…
i wish i could move my wrx so i could make an offer on this… i love miatas!!
Had an older gentleman and his wife look at the car this week, came all the way from Rochester but no solid offer yet.
I’d like to sell this soon.
Labour Day bump.
Pending sale Friday unless any of you faggots want this car.
Congrats on the sale. I need to get my ass in gear.
Lolz <3 you can always borrow mine
Lmk if you want to buy your old Jetta back, many new parts