1BigMoFo's Terminator

So i take it i was right? lol. I dont know how long ago you took these pics but theyve recently put up cement barricades in certain parts so that people wont tresspass in the park. I work for the company that now owns this place. If you want to go back in there and cant shoot me a message and ill get a hold of the keys we need to open it up. The old GE building towards the back of the park is one HELL of a building for photo ops. With the large yellow beams and the old cranes and whatnot i bet you could do some solid work in there.

brilliant :ponder!!! i will take you up on this offer very soon! or if you feel like shooting the truck or something that you own back there let me know

this makes my nipples hard

We should get our trucks together back there!!!

OMG sick drift pic spot!!!

CFD you need some more action pics!

Not a problem…that would be great! Thanks man!

Bet i could make something else hard :excited

Yeah man!! Im in for sure!

id like to shoot a couple trucks in there … would be pretty sick … also deadbeatrc’s car would be cool too … i say lets try to set up something with the 2 trucks and ill get back there and see whats up then another night try to bring the corvette back there ?

i doubt it would be alowed … but if it was id love to try to do it … also i have an idea if you ever want to bring your 240 out for a shoot … i want to try a rig drift pic

Sounds like a plan just let me know, id love to have a few sick photos of my truck!! And like i said there are quite a few sweet spots in that park. Drifting back there looks good from the sky view but once in the park you’d quickly realize it would be pretty hard to achieve.

I have to cell phone pics of that old GE building i was talking about, ill post them up shortly so you can get the idea.

im game :smiley:



Those are two shitty cell phone pics, but like i said its a sweet looking old building with a lot of crazy shit in it. My suggestion would be throw a couple of pushbrooms in the back of one of our trucks and clean up a small path to enter/exit and park in, so that neither of us have to replace our expensive ass truck tires haha. These pics dont really give this site justice though, in person its a pretty impressive spot and with a good photographer such as CFD you can take one hell of a picture in here.

omg … that is gonna be SICK … and were not gonna end up in jail for this right lol

It will be running soon, I’ll let you know.

haha no worries man, no jail time…

im game

pauly, u always make me HRD!

HAHA YES!! thats what i like to hear E

so I should get my truck ready to shoot tomorrow night?? :smiley:

probably gonna try to head into the 10s on my gixxer tomorrow night if its nice out but maybe thursday!

Thursday or Friday evening would both work for me…but friday is probably better

I could get out of the house Thursday evening for a bit :smiley: