
wtf. kill those bastards.


because they think its cool to destroy other people’s stuff. Just like those dumb ass kids that video taped themselves breaking into houses and just smashing everything.


what a bunch of fucks…

that’s sad. where the hell do these people come from.

fuckin morons.

That angers me.

these type of kids need to be weeded out of society. like fucking SAW style(the movie). thats bullshit and they should rot in hell

id kill them and plead temporary insanity

rofl good idea

why the fuck are people that selfish? what a bunch of assholes. I would butcher those fucks.

they should tie them to the front of cars and play dogems…hehehe

I really wish that there were pictures. I love Jags.

I wonder if they caught all involved

anyone else notice that ‘dodgems’ isn’t actually defined? i mean i think i get the idea, but i don’t know

like saying that someone was caught speeding, but instead they were ‘going vroom really fast-y’