1st Annual StanceWorks Northeast Meet

This meet is something I’ve been working on for a while with a few other people, it is well organized and should have 100 cars or more, I’m very excited about it.

“Official” thread (that is a bit of a cluster-fuck):


All the info you really need is right here but y’all can PM me or post here for more info.

Meet is here, starts at 1PM

ANTHONY WAYNE RECREATION AREA (<–type that into google maps and this image will show up, it’s IMMEDIATLY off exit 17 off the Palisades Parkway)


Get off exit 17 and you literally can’t miss it, as you can see here.

We’re going to have a cruise is leaving Crossgates Mall at 9:45 SHARP. Google maps says it’s a 2 hour drive from there, figuring in one stop I want to leave room to get there a bit early, we won’t be the only ones there I’m sure lol. PM me if you don’t already have my number or someone else’s number who is going.

Parking lot (marked by “A”):

If anyone has any questions on how to get there please PM me, didn’t want to get all specific and MS paint style on that pic but I can explain it further if I have to.

People going:

  1. kramerbuccs24
  2. bennyfizzle
  3. LKSi
  4. b-ri
  5. Ollie
  6. Wallace
  7. ninety1two40

add yo’self.

Bit of a hike but I think I can make it.

Schweet. I’ll put this on SlideNY too.

Also, if enough people want to come we could organize a mini-cruise, I’ll likely be getting there around 1130 though to help setup and make sure i’m one of the first there.

If my civic is running by then ill go

So if I am still out of work, any chance I can ride with someone, cuz I would love to go!!

hopefully ill be able to make it out!
how far is the drive?

might have the wheels done and on by then if so i’ll give it a shot


count me in.

Wallace, since I kinda live near you could I ride with you if I go? I won’t know til Thursday, but I will pitch in gas money.

sorry man, i think steve or sleepo are riding down with me. if they bail you can ride with me. i’ll let you know if they don’t go.

Word. I got ahold of seamus, so I may ride with him. But let me know what’s good.

ok cool.

kramer is this in NJ near the palisades mall? that thread really isn’t very infomative on address so i can google it unless im just retared and keep missing it, which is prolly the problem

Might be in. Just Googled the drive from my house, 2 hours and 22 minutes. Really not bad at all.

No. It’s bear mountain, ny. There is a big state park there. Exit 17 off the palisades parkway.

I changed my plans…I might go if prior engagements fall through.

ahh can hit up envy frenzy on the way

from the op :lol

ANTHONY WAYNE RECREATION AREA, exit 17 off the Palisades Parkway.

Get off exit 17 and you literally can’t miss it, as you can see here.